World Paella Day 2023: Are you up for celebrating International Paella Day?

A dish so universal that it has its own emoji, how could it not have a day of celebration?
It does! Tomorrow, on September 20th, it's World Paella Day, or Día Internacional de la Paella, as you prefer to call it.
Call it what you want, but celebrate it as it deserves, just like people all over the world will be doing in places like Sweden, India, Japan, or the USA.
Among other activities that you can check on the official World Paella Day website, twelve chefs from twelve countries will be cooking a Valencian paella in Plaza del Ayuntamiento, and the winner will take home the prize for the best paella in the world.
Come by from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM to see how they cook, and beware, because some portions will also be sold at affordable prices.
If you prefer to cook paella yourself, participate from home and upload a photo of your creation to social media with the hashtag #worldpaelladay. This way, you kill two birds with one stone: you delight a few with your paella and contribute to letting the world know how important our most international recipe is.
Are you up for it?